Monthly Archives: February 2014

P.S. You’re perfect.

       Perfection. Everyone wants to be perfect. Everyone desires perfection. But honestly, I think your imperfections make you who you are.
      You need not be absolutely beautiful or academically great…Every person is born different designed to be different. You are perfect in your own beautiful way.
      Your failures and uniqueness makes you perfect. Like fingerprints, no two people are the same and that fact, that uniqueness makes you perfect in your own way.
     You are beautiful. You are amazing. Believe in yourself. Love yourself.
P.S. You’re perfect.

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Posted by on February 28, 2014 in Life, Love, teenagers


I am my bestfriend.

       Bestfriend. We all are very familiar with that word. Someone to stand by our side no matter what. Someone who will always care and be there. Someone to share our joy and pain with.
     But what is the guarantee that that person will be there for you under any circumstances? Not to sound a pessimist but are you sure?
     I’ve seen and experienced myself breaking of 10 year old friendship just because of some petty issue…If you have found that one person who you trust with your life then it’s great. Enjoy it while it lasts.
     I am not saying this to discourage friendship but I am just stating the reality that I have seen and experienced.
    I know the only person I can rely on to never hurt me or leave me is me, myself & I. I have close friends but my bestfriend is me.

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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in Life, Love, relationship, teenagers


We are teenagers. Not little kids.

       People say we are just teens. What do we know about life? We haven’t even lived and seen half of it yet. Well, I say that’s not completely true.
      We know life to some extent. We have faced problems too. We have experience from our problems. Infact I’ll say that the amount of drama and problems in a teenager’s life of today’s generation is by far the best teacher to make us understand the things we need to survive.
        We know almost everything needed to survive. We know how to lie just like people have lied to us. We know betrayal as we have been betrayed before. We know many things. We know who to trust and whom to avoid.
      Hell, I’d say that anyone who has faced all this and along with it has loved someone truly and had their heart broken is strong enough and experienced enough to survive in this teenage life.
We know drama. We have problems. But along with that we also know how to solve our problems ourselves. We know how to turn something grave into something fun. We know how to stay happy. We know life.


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Posted by on February 25, 2014 in Life, Love, teenagers


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Hit the rock bottom


Let’s see.
        I have been let down by people. I have been called many mean and wrong things. I have been through many obstacles which are very hard for a 16 year old kid.
        I have given my heart completely to a man who took it, broke it, smashed and shattered it and blames me for letting our relationship go down the drain. Did I mention he hates me?
         I have been told to have a lot of attitude problems by people I care about the most. I have been betrayed and called a b*tch because of things I am not responsible for.
         My folks think of me as a disappointment. They say I am too lazy, too stupid to go anywhere in my life. They think i’ll probably end up living in a small house with a small job and all alone.
         I know depression. I had the symptoms of atelophobia. I cut. I hate myself. I hate life. I am suicidal. I have no friends to rely on. I have no best friend. No sibling to share things with.
       My self harm habits have been getting worse. I don’t think, I just cut. I feel worthless. I feel negative almost all the time.
………in short, I have hit the rock bottom.
       Now I am at such a position that things just cannot get worse for me. Now I have nowhere to go but up. There is nothing more left that can upset me more than I already am.
……..being at the bottom, all I can see is going up…♥♥♥

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Posted by on February 11, 2014 in Family, hatred, Life, Love, teenagers


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Scared to show the real me.


         It’s hard. So damm hard. Pretending everything is alright.
Pretending that you are mentally stable.
Pretending that you are alright.
Pretending that you aren’t hurting.
Pretending that you are happy.
Faking smiles. Faking laughter.
           It’s just so hard.
      Our friends think they know us. They believe we are happy. When on the inside, we are not. Breaking on the inside and not showing how much you are hurt.
      We all hide our darkest secrets. You may have a secret like mine, maybe you self-harm like me. We all hide things. Maybe because we are afraid of being judged. Maybe because we don’t want to burden others…..or maybe because we are scared they will leave us.
      In the end, we are just scared.
    We are scared to show the real us. We are scared that maybe people won’t like who we really are. That they will leave us to be alone again. The fear of being discarded like nothing is what scares us.
     After all, we are human. We don’t want to be hated or judged or left alone. We want love. We want someone to be there of us.
     And so we hide. We hide in the fear that the person will find the real us just as ugly as we find it ourselves.
    I hide. I am scared. I am not who I show I am.      

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Posted by on February 8, 2014 in hatred, Life, teenagers


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